Thursday, December 08, 2005

anyone who expected this, raise your hand....that's what I thought.

finals week is AWSOME when you only have one actual final. One final that isn't until TUESDAY.

so what do I do while most of my friends are good, studious college students?

go on a date.

how about that? an actual date. I don't know, I've never really "dated" someone before, because really, coming from the oh so social settings of high school and college, it doesn't really make sense to "date" when you already see said person all the bloody time. but yeah. it was with a guy that I'd met an seen around at the beginning of the semester, then we just haven't really been around The Apartment at the same time in a few weeks. and the past two weekends I've been seeing him around more, we've played a little catchup, and we're really been hitting it off!

he's quick to laugh and easy to talk to....we just sat in The Apartment for hours today doing nothing....what a pleasant surprise...

anyways, enough of me being sappy. thanks to ye who have volunteered to help me out with this here blog, it is in desperate need of personalization.

This is part of the reason that I love being busy so much. I absolutely love sitting around doing nothing all day, but I can only appreciate it coming off of being crazy-ass busy all the time so I have that nice comparison. so this past week, and really all of break to come will be so sweet and lovely....I can hardly handle it. and then! I get to come back here early (what a weirdo, I know) and live a life consumed with theatre (at least eight hours a day of rehearsal, plus four hours of set/costume/prop construction, and any other outside work needed to make a show go up in about 17 days...)!! life is awsome.

here's what else I do instead of awsome are Kelly and I? it's literally five days until we leave for break and just NOW we decide to decorate for christmas.

this is me making a Yin Yang on the ceiling with christmas lights!!

Moral of the story: I hate stucko.


Blogger Lovemeugly said...

allowed to hang stuff on our ceiling, hang shit regardless of whatever they may allow, however you put it, it's fun and not coming down. : )

1:03 PM  

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