Sunday, December 11, 2005

I finally did it...

I have a buzznet site now!

I don't know how to make it part of my page or anything, or even make a real like, but I'll learn later.

but yeah. I think I have strep throat. sucks ass. I crashed at Bohemia two nights ago (post fighting) and it's an old old house that is freezing most of the time, so I assumed the sore throat I woke up with was from breathing in the cold air all night...but now I am thinking it is something serious. dammit. so lame.

Last night was Masquerade! It's a dance Alpha Psi Omega (the theatre frat) throws each year. It was a grand time...I just wish I had been a little more energetic, but it was fun nonetheless. and I absolutely love this picture of Andrew and me. He was so cute and emo.

wish me luck on the illness...I have my final on tuesday and last time I got strep I was knocked out cold for basically a week....and I can't really afford that this week. eerrgghh....


Blogger Lovemeugly said...

hah! it's true...I often carry around my life on my shoulders too (brown bag filled with contact solution, some food, notebook, etc.) because I am never too sure when I will make it back to my own room for the night...damn. I am a gypsy. hot.

yeah, I actually can see the Adrien Brody action! I think it's the jawline and the eyeliner.

5:48 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Get better, and hooray for Buzznet!

I can't wait to get together!!!!! I come home on Saturday night. So there.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Alison said...


11:33 AM  

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