Sunday, July 09, 2006

13 hour days are normal...right?

working on costumes. I need to learn how to work faster. I am such a trial and error person, especially with working with new materials and concepts, because I don't know how to really "plan" what I am doing. I love the different attepts and trying to figure out what will work with whatever crazy means I can scrap...

...but then that takes me twice the time it could potentially have taken if I had the knowhow to really PLAN exactly what needs to be done and how.

I need to work on that.

see you all in a week when I have a life again!



Blogger Cap'n Vincent said...

Thirteen hourse.....yummm...

Well, I'm going to try and be in as much as i can b 4 the shows this week. I have driver's ed from 9-11:30, but I'll still come back till 1...

Oh, and I am in need of some more college conversations with you...I'm starting to make ones...but my parents are trying to be completely and totally objective and not take any sides...which doesn't really help...I'm thinking about double majoring in Theatre Performance & Production with, possibly, a minor in music performance or music composition...and I'm SERIOUSLY considering Bradley....seriously...n e way

We'll talk l8er.


8:13 PM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...

Hella yeah, I love college talks! Just lemme know, we can like, go get coffee or something and chat it up about that whole "rest of your life" business.

and thanks for you're help with Beauty, it's always good to have the extra hands!


8:26 PM  

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