Friday, July 14, 2006

everyone take a little Me Time

Did you know that a person should have at least 15 touches a day to be healthy? Granted this could be a totally arbitrary number, but I do know that experiments have been done that prove that humans are social and physical people that need physical interaction with one another. a brush of a hand, a touch of a knee, any sort of positive human contact will make you a healthier person.

I sometimes think that so much of our struggles and discontentments could at least be slightly lifted if we could gain a level of comfort that allowed more of us to touch one another in a positive way.

So go get your 15 touches. hold hands with a dear friend. embrace a family member. high five a team mate. squeeze the arm of a counterpart.

lets all be a little healthier.


Blogger Brian said...

I don't think I even get 15 touches a month! Maybe that explains why I am the way I am...

4:09 PM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...

well! you get on that.

11:13 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Wait, does that mean that you have to touch 15 different people, or can you touch the same person 15 times. And does it count for more if it's an extra long touch?

1:09 PM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...

I think it can be 15 from any combination of people. Like, all one, or 15 different. And I would think that a long touch would count for more...but I don't really know.

10:18 PM  

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