A Few Highlights...
housemate smashing time
(beercan, apple, and an applesauce cup)
trapping Colleen in the bathroom.
fall break! WOOO!
visiting with my beloved Di and Alex.
watching this amazing couple swing dance with the heart and soul they have learned and earned, but with the bodies that should have been thirty years younger. wow.
preparing for the kick-ass haunted house we are having the 28th.
All this plus much much more...
it's been a good couple of weeks. I've had a little time to breathe as well, which is good, because I have a feeling things are going to be SUPER crazy again much too soon.
soon I'll have some shots from our student production of Butcher to post so you can oooh and ahhh at our handiwork some more! ; )
ya know what?
we really can be successful at our passion. as much as I bitch about America, we are the land of opportunity....
....you just need to know how to find it.
Jessi, you are the best!
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