Monday, October 02, 2006

Oswego here I come!

I have a mini break coming up this Monday and Tuesday and I am actually coming home!

Saturday -
1. ) leave Bradley and head home.
2.) stop by set construction if it is still going on when I get there.
3.) go to Chicago to ROCK OUT with my beloved Di and Alex.

Sunday -
1.) still be rocking out with Di and Alex.
2.) sleep.
3.) see fucking SCISSOR SISTORS!!
4.) go home again.

Monday -
1.) sleep.
2.) spend time with the family.
3.) relax.

Tuesday -
1.) Meet up with the best director/best person in the world, Steve Snyder, and a few of my favorite Bradley people to run around to several high schools to present shit on how cool Bradley is.
2.) Go to OHS and present and see people!
3.) Go to OEHS and present and see people!
4.) Head back home to school.
5.) Sleep.

damn it's going to be a great few days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, the old Bradley fall break. Good times.

8:22 AM  
Blogger invadethecity said...

i dont know if i will be around. ok. no. i will be gone. that is ok. it doesnt look like there is any time for a visit. so. i will have to figure something else out. for yessi time. that is. actually. i may be around on monday or tuesday if that is at all possible. call me. let me know whats up. if you play your cards right. i may even have a gift for you. i found an old anonymous roll of film. and you were on it. so. thats all i got. peace.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...

I'll give you a ring later love. hopefully our paths will cross.

4:47 PM  
Blogger Cellar door said...

i can't wait!


we have much to catch up on.

5:19 PM  

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