Thursday, August 17, 2006

Happy New Year!

Ever since I was I've stopped feeling that excited anticipation for the new year. It's usually just an excuse to have a fun party and celebrate the changing of the year. ok. but it never feels different or exciting, it's actually completely anticlimactic because we all just go back to our everyday lives onces the party is done. no different that any other party. this is part of the reason that I think I've never felt any great conviction to create and hold a New Years Resolution. I find personal change is easier to accomplish when it goes with another big change...getting out of habit with no other outside force is so hard.

but the start of a new school year, THAT is the beginning of a year to me. that is the starting fresh. so, this year, I am making some resolutions that I intend to keep.

One. I will keep up with current events. enough of my own hypocracy, I will do what I know I need to do to be doing. If I have the time to read and update blogs, then I have time read the news.

Two. I will not let myself "get by" in my classes that have to do with my future. I demand that I work my ass off to make myself proud of the work that I do for each and every art and theatre class that I take.

Three. I will challenge myself in my theatre work. I need to prove to my theatre and to myself that I can do what I love and that I can do it well. I have had small accomplishments, but I need to do something more. I will follow through with my desires and plans.

Four. I will not let myself give in to the temtations of over eating and abundant junk food. I will keep concious of what I am putting in my body as well as how much I excercize.

So there they are. I am determined to keep them. and I encourage you kids to call me out if you notice that I am not doing these things. If I plan to suceed in this world I need to be able to have the self controll and dicipline.

In somewhat unrelated news, I just had a MET meeting (Ministry of Experimental Theatre, my schools Lab/Blackbox Theatre, on which I am the historian and board member) and we had a lot to go over, but one item of interest is that I am now the Artistic Director of the group. It's not quite what it sound like, it simply means that I am the go between for faculty and us, so that if they, or anyone really, has a question they know who they should go to. SO! This is my lesson on being assertive.

god I hope I don't fuck up.

I have a meeting TOMORROW with the head of our department, who is also our faculty advisor, to ask him for the money that we need to buy the connectors in order to re-cable our entire lighting grid. The job that is already, and irrevesibly, half done. The connectors are going to cost more than he will want to give us. I have to make it all work. Think good thoughts for me kids. I'm a little nervous.



Blogger Brian said...

Good luck with the new gig, and have a great start to the New Year.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...

thanks B-ry. I hope that all goes well...for all of us really.

3:12 AM  

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