Monday, January 22, 2007

water water everywhere!!

Sooooo, I recieved a rather soggy welcome back to the ole p-town abode.

My water heater decided to start leaking friday night - of course friday night, the point in time where it would have the MOST time to leak before it could get fixed, bastard - and this it did with reckless abandon. Drew, who was staying here over J-term, did his best to guide the growing puddle AWAY from my bedroom (which is right next door), buuut it kept on leaking for many many hours, and the water subsequently went EVERYWHERE.

luckily, Drew moved any potentially ruin-able items to the safe half of my bedroom (the floor has a little tilt to it) so nothing was wrecked. But I still had to wake up at 8:45 this morning to be ready for my landlord to come and install a new water heater and to help me move all my shit out of that half of the room so we could pull the carpets up.

I can't decided if it makes the situation better or worse that this is actually the third time I've had to haul out all my shit like this. I mean, it's a super bitch especially when it comes to moving it all back in, but I've already done it a few times so know what to expect.

Whatevski. I think I am going to take this as a karmic responce to my complete and utter procrastination in my finals work. I have not touched a thing since I finished my Costume Design. sigh. well, enough of that.

so, I'm off to draw a portrait then re-position my carpet as it lies drying across our bowling seats to assure it gets completely dry.

peace friends.


Blogger Diana said...

Hey!!! I found out that my choir is heading to Peoria sometime next month for some workshop thingy. Feb. 23 I think? It's a saturday. And...I don't have to sing at mass the next sunday, so maybe that's when we can play. i'll update you and let you know what's going on.

9:08 PM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...


12:32 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

"I had to wake up at 8:45 AM."

Ahh, the life of a collegian. I miss the days when waking up that early was considered ass-crack early.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...

haahaaahaaa, it's so true. ahhh...

...god bless 4am nights and 11am mornings....

3:58 PM  
Blogger Lancehead said...

This year sucks so far. Yeah, senioritis kicked in awhile ago, i don't want it but it's there. I'm just not haveing a very good time and people are stressing me out. Jessi, next time you come home, we should find a day to hang out, i would be very happy. Sorry about your floor, i can beat up your old water heater if you want ;)

7:09 PM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...

Carl darling, what's your e-mail address?

11:47 PM  

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