Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I see angles in the architecture, spinning into infinity!


This has certainly been a day of aaaaahhhhhhhhh....

I've just had some big eye openers as to just how soon I will be leaving my home and just how much shit needs to happen before that time comes.

Tomorrow is the first of five finals I have to prepare for, I have to move my big appliances into Arcadia, pack, clean the MET booth...

...and still spend every moment I can with my seniors before they leave me. It's still strange to have such a close friendship with someone who is going off to be a real adult. Ok, that sounded really stupid, but hopefully you know what I mean. I have a number of friends who are off to sunny California (one of which got a job offer and decided to move in the span of just a few days. she will be GONE on thursday. crazy.) for either jobs or amazing grad schools. others are heading home to chicago, accepting great jobs with good companies...REAL lives. weird.

and scary too because I still am so uncertain as to just what and how I am going to spend my life. Yes, I do have some time still, but really...I'd just feel better if I had a more definate plan.

anyhoo, back to studying for Western Civilizations.

later kiddos.



Blogger Brian said...

Good old Western Civ. I think I was the only person at Bradley who enjoyed that course.

9:45 PM  
Blogger invadethecity said...

if you'll be my bodyguard. i can be your long lost pal. i can call you betty. and betty when you call me. you can call me al. call me al.

11:25 PM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...

Brian -
hahaaa, well I actually really enjoy history as well, it's just that I enjoy learning it...not remembering it. at least, not well to take a test and write a paper...meh.

Eric -
It makes me happy that you got the reference. I love Paul Simon.

1:10 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Angels, hallelujiah! LOVE THAT SONG!

1:43 AM  
Blogger Lovemeugly said...

that's right. all the cool kids know the Graceland album.

2:55 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Heck yes! The freshman brass quintet here did that song as their spring concert closer, and they did a little vamp groove while the trumpet1 introduced everybody, and when he got to trumpet2, whose name is Allen, everybody stopped and he sang the title line, and...

That really wasn't such a great story.

8:41 AM  
Blogger invadethecity said...

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8:08 PM  
Blogger invadethecity said...

so what are you going to do to satisfy your desire to drink everynight after you come home? it is hard you know. braking those habits. once you get used to something as easy as these "things" they become addictive. so what exactly is your plan. man?

8:09 PM  
Blogger Diana said...

update goof!

7:36 PM  

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