Saturday, May 12, 2007

"The time has come," the Walrus said "to talk of many things..."

All right.

I've had my break. it was much needed, and I feel very refreshed.

The end half of this last semester has really got me moving - finally.

I have ambition bursting out of my ears and creative juices flowing like a waterfall.

I am ready to take over the world.

and the next step of that, is a new blog.

I know one point of a blog is to keep the same one for all those logical reasons yadda yadda yadda, but I feel like I have grown out of this one. It was important and useful and fun and wonderful for what I wanted out of it and what it needed to be, but now my needs and wants have changed and I would like a fresh start.

I haven't started a new on yet, so I am asking you, all three of you who just may still check in on this guy, to offer suggestions for me as to where I should create it. Or if I should just make my own website?

So, please offer all of your experienced advice, because I certainly don't really know what I am doing on this magic box called a computer.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A wave and a wink...

All right friends. I'm officially taking a break from blogging for a while. I've been so irregular about it anyways, it hardly seems a surprise.

I plan to return. and hopefully with something interesting to say.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

It's the Sun!!

All right! Twas an odd week, this week.

Thursday was a CRAZY day. Let me describe the freaky-cosmic allignment that occured surrounding this incident.

So the plan on Wednesday night was for me to spend the night in my friend Devin's room so we could have a slumber pary. I was doing some work, waiting for him to be done with rehearsal, when I suddenly got VERY tired. It was only 10pm, but for some reason I decided that I should just go to be THAT INSTANT. I cancle my plans with Devin and was asleep by 10:30. All very uncharacteristic of me. But now, I wake up at 7:30am completely rested and ready for the day! And what do I find? My basement covered in water. THUMBS DOWN. And this water was MOVING. I went up to shower at 7:30 thinking that the water was only in the main area of the basement (it had done that before) so I just turned the dehumidifiers on and left. In the half hour that it took me to get ready, water had seeped a solid two feet into my bedroom. And I had a ton of papers and books and things of general importance all over my floor that I was able to save before the water reached them toom much. So now think of what COULD have happened. I could have a) stayed home like normal and not gotten up until 10 for my 10:30 class, thus I would not have found things until my room was totally drenched. or b) I could have slumber partied with Devin and therefore would not have been home until noon at the earliest. DISASTER. I've come to the general conclusion that I was still being cosmically fucked, just not quite as hard as I may have.

So the whole day was spent moving all of my shit two flights of stairs to Lejla's almost empty bedroom. I had help from my landlord in getting my bed and desk moved upstairs, but I hadn't had time to pack anything, so that was about all he could do with it being super awkward, so I just moved everything else myself. It got tiring.

Buuut, now I have a huge sweet room WITH A REAL WINDOW!!! Oh god, waking up to sunshine is such a glorious thing! I didn't realize how much I missed natural light until I finally got it back! (my window in the basement had to have towls ducktaped over it in order to keep any of my heat in and cold out).

The only bummer deal is that I can only mostly move in. Landlord Steve promised to instal new carpet in the upstairs for us, and this originally was a perfect plan because there was no one living up there so it would be super low-hassle. and now I'm up here. Steve offered to do my room later, like in 6 weeks or something, but I pushed for it to happen over break. This way I'd be out of the house and I can handle living a little in hiatus for two weeks if it means that I wont have to worry about it then when things are getting crazy at the end of the semester. Ooh, and not only does this room get new carpet but it is getting painted and a new ceiling too! sweeeeeet.

all of that was Thursday. what a tiring day.

then I got to have fun on Friday videoing perspective students (or as I should now say "guests") for their scholarship auditions. I always have fun watching people audition. PLUS my Carl came to visit, so it was waaaanderful to see him.

but I think the biggest perk of this week has to be the appearance of my Internet Boyfriend. Sounds weird, I know, but you'll have to trust me on this. A couple weeks ago Karla's friend told me that I HAD to talk to this guy she's friends with from Dekalb because we have the same sense of humor. I was sceptical, I didn't want to be a weirdo IMing this total stranger just because Lindsey said so. But eventually curiosity overcame embaressment and we started talking.

....we are the same person.

it's pretty badass. He's cute and goofey and funny and generally pretty fantastic and we have come to call each other Internet Girl/Boyfriend because we're both pretty much awesome and crazy "in like" with one another.

so who knows what will happen with this. all I know is that I like it and it makes me happy and that's what matters.

to get back to the real world, now....I'm just trying to get on top of my stuff. I'm going home wednesday night so I need to make sure I don't fail things.

peace friends.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

three words. solid. gold. toilet.

I am in an ifallibly good mood today!! So good, I can hardly stand it!! I have not had this much of a huge buzz in nigh on forty years.

And like, the day hasn't even been all that good. The morning was great, I actually woke up in time to shower, get ready, and finish some work ( getting out of my bed is a HUGE accomplishement itself, much less getting out of it EARLY ) but then my lighting class was actually pretty shitty. I got a test back and I did REAL bad. I don't know where my head was when i took it because it wasn't even hard material! god damn. so that actually put me in a bad mood. buuuut then I had a great lunch and a quick chat with a friend of my and all that just made me happy again!! Now, I have a kick ass idea for my next sculpture and and and......

......I'm too happy to concentrate on anything real. which is actually bad because I have a bio test tomorrow I NEED to study for. eeessshhh.....

so that's why am I even writing this sophmoric, banal post. Killing time before I can focus again.

off I got to waste more time that should be spent productively.

peace friends!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


So, I forget that the weather can actually affect your mood. I guess that comes form never experiencing weather for about 4 solid years while I lived in the flourecent light hell that was High School (the school itself wasn't hell, just the constant inside-ness is).

The phenomena that is weather was something of a grand surprise once I got to school last year, and I guess I'm still adjusting.

I think this recent funk has been just a general winter malaise, because now that it is this summertime warm of a whole 40 degrees, the snow is melting, the sun is shining, birds are singing, and I can actually see the glorious blue sky again, I've felt a huge lift in my attitude.

My spirits have been so high this week! I got my Art History final DONE, and tomorrow I'll be taking my Math final, so that will be TWO HUGE things I can mark off that terrible list that has been looming over my head for about three months now. Both my house and bedroom are crazy clean, something that always makes me feel good. My tummy had been giving me troubles for about a week, but now it's back to normal - as is my diet of tastey, healthy foods. I've finally become the active tea drinker that I've been striving to be (up to a regular 3-4 cups a day!) I met someone, probably wont evolve into anything romantic, but he's a big nerd and just a ton of fun to be around, and really, that's all I need right now. I have all my class work planned out and I am aware of where I am in everything....I'm starting my design work for Barefoot in the Park....

Needless to say, I'm feeling good. finally!

plus I get to have lunch this saturday with one of my most favourite people ever - my darling Di!

I have a busy weekend ahead, a lot the needs to get done, but I'm actually looking forward to it. Dare I say I, gasp! actually got my work drive back?! knock on wood, but I think I'm feelin it!

look out world! I'M GUNNA GETCHA!!

....and here's a picture of Tony Jaa. badass. Watch Ong-Bak or the Protector. soooo gooood.