Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Appologies, appologies...

Hey kids. Sorry for the uber delay in any sort of updating. I have been home (oviously) for about....two weeks? sure. two weeks-ish and my computer at home is really crappy so I don't like to get online much because it usually just ends up pissing me off and I just don't care to be pissed off....

so I am sorry.

I will try to update for REAL later, I just saw Kong (and really enjoyed it! hooray for Andy Serkis!) and I am not feeling very literate right now. I promise, I will get back in the swing of things for certain when I get back to school.

so! much love to all, and I hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas and will continue to have a smashing New Years!!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I finally did it...

I have a buzznet site now! http://actionjessi-fight.buzznet.com

I don't know how to make it part of my page or anything, or even make a real like, but I'll learn later.

but yeah. I think I have strep throat. sucks ass. I crashed at Bohemia two nights ago (post fighting) and it's an old old house that is freezing most of the time, so I assumed the sore throat I woke up with was from breathing in the cold air all night...but now I am thinking it is something serious. dammit. so lame.

Last night was Masquerade! It's a dance Alpha Psi Omega (the theatre frat) throws each year. It was a grand time...I just wish I had been a little more energetic, but it was fun nonetheless. and I absolutely love this picture of Andrew and me. He was so cute and emo.

wish me luck on the illness...I have my final on tuesday and last time I got strep I was knocked out cold for basically a week....and I can't really afford that this week. eerrgghh....

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I just punched the OUCH

what an eventful evening! oh my...

well, I have discovered the magical combination of drinks that makes Jessi go "I wanna FIGHT!"

and I did.

first I punched through a ceiling. I feel pretty bad about the damage to the house, but I wasn't the first nor the last to put a fist throught it soooo.....yeah. this one left a nice little battle wound, bruised fist and some good scratches and cuts...but did I let that stop me? NEVER!

I was silly and picked the scariest motherfucker there to be the one I wanted to fight....then he intimidated the shit out of me, so I didn't fight him. good thing too, he would probably have killed me.

so, disheartened that I had no one to fight, I went down to the kitchen to continue laughing at the trio of boys who were returning from doing naked snow angles. there I mentioned my desire to fight someone, and who takes up my challenge? Jason Pikschire. (I don't think I spelled his name right...)

now, while I have a good four inches on this guy he's also trained in some kind of martial arts and incredibly strong...but did I let that stop me? NEVER!

needless to say, he won good.

so we laugh about it, move on into the living room....and I am still feeling pretty feisty, so Chris Perez becomes the next challenge. He's a skinny guy, but strong little Puerto Rican....

this was a little better of a match, and really, it was so much rediculousness, you have no idea.

what a fun night.

so I am taking it easy today, I keep finding bruises and sore muscles that I forgot I had hurt....but they were my first fights! and I have a feeling that living in the same house as Jason over Earlyback will lead to a few more rumbles...he's going to be my personal fight club and whip me into shape.

oh I love life so.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

anyone who expected this, raise your hand....that's what I thought.

finals week is AWSOME when you only have one actual final. One final that isn't until TUESDAY.

so what do I do while most of my friends are good, studious college students?

go on a date.

how about that? an actual date. I don't know, I've never really "dated" someone before, because really, coming from the oh so social settings of high school and college, it doesn't really make sense to "date" when you already see said person all the bloody time. but yeah. it was with a guy that I'd met an seen around at the beginning of the semester, then we just haven't really been around The Apartment at the same time in a few weeks. and the past two weekends I've been seeing him around more, we've played a little catchup, and we're really been hitting it off!

he's quick to laugh and easy to talk to....we just sat in The Apartment for hours today doing nothing....what a pleasant surprise...

anyways, enough of me being sappy. thanks to ye who have volunteered to help me out with this here blog, it is in desperate need of personalization.

This is part of the reason that I love being busy so much. I absolutely love sitting around doing nothing all day, but I can only appreciate it coming off of being crazy-ass busy all the time so I have that nice comparison. so this past week, and really all of break to come will be so sweet and lovely....I can hardly handle it. and then! I get to come back here early (what a weirdo, I know) and live a life consumed with theatre (at least eight hours a day of rehearsal, plus four hours of set/costume/prop construction, and any other outside work needed to make a show go up in about 17 days...)!! life is awsome.

here's what else I do instead of studying...how awsome are Kelly and I? it's literally five days until we leave for break and just NOW we decide to decorate for christmas.

this is me making a Yin Yang on the ceiling with christmas lights!!

Moral of the story: I hate stucko.

Monday, December 05, 2005

well...here it is...

huh. how about this.

well, I feel like I should make this one something wonderful and interesting and witty and funny or serious and meaningful...but it wont be. I'm too preoccupied in creating it to think of anything good to post about.

but here she is.

I hope I like her.


oh my. this is so complicated! I need some advice from blog people...I am so ignorant. how do you find the URL for photos? I always could use the "Browse" option before...eeeh gads...