not too shabby...
I love my life.
This is sort of an out of place statement for the moment. Currently I have been stressed, over-worked, under-slept, stretched a little too thin, coming up short, and, as of two days ago, nursing the beginnings of a cold.
life situations like this usually illicit much more grumpy sentiments and pessimistic outlooks on life. so why my chipper-ness?
because this is what I SHOULD be doing. I finally feel like I am doing COLLEGE level work. I have been busting my ASS for the past four weeks, and there is no break in sight. An early betime is 2am and 5am has become a familiar sight. I worked in the theatre some 12+ hours a day, and stayed up late in the basement of my professors house working on plots.
But I LOVE it. I have actually turned out work that I am PROUD of. I am LEARNING the theatre shit I never knew, but needed to. I am learning the life shit that I have needed to learn.
My house is a haven. All of us are in the same work-horse mode, we pull through together. I have company now when I'll be up until 6:30am to finish a presentation. health is deteriorating, I've had to rely on coffee and energy drinks to get me through my days (which I HATE), and I have learned what it feels like to not get the "A" in the class.
but I love it. This is where I want to be.
This is sort of an out of place statement for the moment. Currently I have been stressed, over-worked, under-slept, stretched a little too thin, coming up short, and, as of two days ago, nursing the beginnings of a cold.
life situations like this usually illicit much more grumpy sentiments and pessimistic outlooks on life. so why my chipper-ness?
because this is what I SHOULD be doing. I finally feel like I am doing COLLEGE level work. I have been busting my ASS for the past four weeks, and there is no break in sight. An early betime is 2am and 5am has become a familiar sight. I worked in the theatre some 12+ hours a day, and stayed up late in the basement of my professors house working on plots.
But I LOVE it. I have actually turned out work that I am PROUD of. I am LEARNING the theatre shit I never knew, but needed to. I am learning the life shit that I have needed to learn.
My house is a haven. All of us are in the same work-horse mode, we pull through together. I have company now when I'll be up until 6:30am to finish a presentation. health is deteriorating, I've had to rely on coffee and energy drinks to get me through my days (which I HATE), and I have learned what it feels like to not get the "A" in the class.
but I love it. This is where I want to be.