Sunday, November 19, 2006

I don't really mind that it's starting to get to me...

Ok, do I have any The Killers fans out there? Because I am curious as to what your opinion of the new album is.

I got in a huge discussion about it with this guy at our cast party Friday night, and now I want to see how other feel about it as well.

Also, the Scissor Sisters just came out with their new album as well. Thoughts on that?

OOh! The Barenaked Ladies did as well!! I haven't had a chance to really dive in to that album, but I'm still interested in opinions.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liked the first album, haven't heard much of the new one. First single didn't really grab me, though; a bit too bombastic.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Armentage said...

This is two-years late, but I think it's a fantastic album. The bombastic bits especially.

8:10 AM  

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