I'm excited for life!
so yeah, I'm kind of a tool and have not taken the time to update, like, EVER. but ya know. it's for good reasons. like FUN!! and THEATRE!! oh yeah. homework too....but that's just lame.
So this is me being outrageouly nervous because on the last show of our childrens show Aesops (oh so slightly) Updated Fables, one of our actors got drastically ill...and I had to go on for her instead. very very scary. sooooo, I found out about an hour before curtain went up so I was frantically memorizing and looking over blocking and praying I wouldn't make a fool of myself. Buuuuuut all went very well, I was lucky enought to be on a stage where 3 of the other 4 actors were all members of the school improv group and GREAT actors, so it calmed me down to know that even if I did fuck up, they would be able to cover.
Life has been filled with Revolution Mondays, Topless Tuesdays, Wear Less Wednesdays, Thirsty Thursdays, ....fridays...., Slackless Saturdays, and ....sundays....
I love dance parties. We need to procure a happenin headquaters this summer, because I cannot live without them.
If anybody wants to come down for a visit, just drop me a line, I have a number of shows coming up that will be quite good and I'd love a chance to show off my beloved department. (shows this semester, Requiem (lab show), Extremities (mainstage), Lonely Planet (Lab), and Loves Labours Lost (Mainstage). and it would be uber wonderful to see my lovely Oswego people, so drop me line!
mini rant - awsome amazing people should NOT date lame ones. it hinders the possibilites of AMAZING pairings. that is all.
oh, and that mini rant was not directed at the dude in the picture, though he is something amazing...