Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm excited for life!

Dan Scobey, Lauren Achambault, and I on Dan Scobey Night rockin out. What fun.

so yeah, I'm kind of a tool and have not taken the time to update, like, EVER. but ya know. it's for good reasons. like FUN!! and THEATRE!! oh yeah. homework too....but that's just lame.

So this is me being outrageouly nervous because on the last show of our childrens show Aesops (oh so slightly) Updated Fables, one of our actors got drastically ill...and I had to go on for her instead. very very scary. sooooo, I found out about an hour before curtain went up so I was frantically memorizing and looking over blocking and praying I wouldn't make a fool of myself. Buuuuuut all went very well, I was lucky enought to be on a stage where 3 of the other 4 actors were all members of the school improv group and GREAT actors, so it calmed me down to know that even if I did fuck up, they would be able to cover.

Life has been filled with Revolution Mondays, Topless Tuesdays, Wear Less Wednesdays, Thirsty Thursdays, ....fridays...., Slackless Saturdays, and ....sundays....

I love dance parties. We need to procure a happenin headquaters this summer, because I cannot live without them.

If anybody wants to come down for a visit, just drop me a line, I have a number of shows coming up that will be quite good and I'd love a chance to show off my beloved department. (shows this semester, Requiem (lab show), Extremities (mainstage), Lonely Planet (Lab), and Loves Labours Lost (Mainstage). and it would be uber wonderful to see my lovely Oswego people, so drop me line!

mini rant - awsome amazing people should NOT date lame ones. it hinders the possibilites of AMAZING pairings. that is all.

oh, and that mini rant was not directed at the dude in the picture, though he is something amazing...


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Boo homework.

doing some Biology homework. it's not fun. and it doesn't help that I can't get my mind of off someone.


I would rather be sleeping.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

this is going to be interesting...

all right. moved back in. finally. I am back in the ole' dorm room, fully unpacked and a bit cleaner as well. huttah! I am happy to have my own space again. I was actually really good without it, but as soon as I got home I realized just how much I love my dorm room. The roomie wont be in until tomorrow afternoon (well, today by now), so I've had the past day and a half to really decompress and have some me time.


so, happily, I shall be returning to this world and updating regularly again! huttah!

my life has been consumed by Aesop's (oh so slightly) Updated Fables (running this weekend) and while it has been great, it has given me the most false feeling here. I've just been having a blast with the super fun cast/crew of the show at rehearsals, then hanging out and being silly in my off time.

I can't go back to actual school.

this needs to be my life now. eat, sleep, party, theatre.

that sounds good.

bah, I'll survive.....maybe. I was sending an e-mail to my sister with the dates of all my shows so we could collaborate our visits and it was the first time I actually LOOKED at everything that I agreed to do this semester.

oh my.

all I know is that I will have a full load of REAL classes, and where I did all three mainstages and ONE lab show last semester, I'll be doing the mainstages and THREE lab shows this semester. I have a feeling I'll be in uber-Jessi mode soon. but I can do it. I really think I can. I would pull out of a show if I didn't feel I could handle all of it.

I currently have a 4.0 Gpa. I REALLY want to keep it as close to that as I possibly can. damn. why is school so bloody expensive? it makes me so sad.

anyways. I need to pass out now. peace.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


today, tuesday, is our first day off since we started this show process, and damn does it feel good. Last night was wonderful.

Jason and Melissa (our director and assistant director) decided it would be nice to have a big dinner with all of the cast and production crew who is here, so they cooked us a big lasagna dinner and made some AMAZING appetizers (Jason's cheese and artichoke dip is to DIE for) It was great because I would up shopping with Jason and helping them cook. Now, it didn't help that both Jason and I are HUGE cheese fans, so in our shopping we wound up purchasing FIFTY DOLLARS in cheese alone. sooooo goooooood.

then we returned to Arcadia to start cooking, and because the fridge is bursting at the seams from trying to hold enough food for 9 people regularly, we decided to put the bags of cheese outside in order to keep them cold. it was funny because as people would walk in to the house they would be like, "do you realize you forgot two bags of groceries outside?"

silly people.

BUT, as I was placing a taco dip platter outside to cool, I noticed we only had on bag there....so I went back inside, assuming that Jason had grabbed the bag earlier without my noticing.

he hadn't.

someone stole our fucking cheese.

Three pounds of mozerella, and four pounds of cottage cheese GONE! I mean people! really now. who would steal someone's cheese? so sad.

but once we replaced the cheese all was well agian. the feast was wonderful good time. then, after a few glasses of wine/glass of schnapps and ovalteen, Colleen, Lauren, Mike, and I decided to go over to the theatre to say hey to Misty and Andy who were working late, and then blast some music and dance on the stage!! a grand plan. buuuuut then Andy was less than pleased with us, so we just kinda hung around a little before heading over to the apartments.

Oh Apt. B.

hella yeah, we made it a grand party over there. a near perfect mix of mellow and crazy, it was sooooo goooood. Lauren and I danced so fuckin hard for so long....the whole Killers album, then many more...including a great whole room singalong to Styx's Come Sail Away....dammit! I wish I could access my pictures because it would make this post so much more interesting. I got some superfun shots.

but yeah. overall, great night. and the topper was the sleeping until 1:30pm. I feel soooo goood right now.

and later tonight, ROLLING SUSHI WITH POOKIE FACE!!!! yesssssssss......


Monday, January 09, 2006

A fish bowl....it will haunt me.

this isn't a real post, simply a continuation of my last lovely story. rehearsal didn't start today until 1pm so all of us went enjoyed ourselves last night (my evening started with bakers square pie, good company, and STAR WARS!!!) and while I didn't actually drink last night (just wasn't in the mood....) about everyone else did. and in this I learned that a friend of mine actually has two and a half minutes of me rather drunkenly addressing the people at the apartment, and basically just being funny and rediculous. I got to see it, and while it is mostly just funny and kind of cute because I'd be mid sentence then I'd like, wheel around absolutely embarrased at how drunk I was and how worried I was about getting up in time for rehearsal in the morning, then jump right back in to conversation, the thing that scares me is that they are planning on giving this footage to one of the faculty of the theatre to hold on to until my senior roast.


I don't like this idea very much.

for those who don't know, the Bradley theatre faculty gets to roast of the graduating seniors at the big department brunch so they get to share all of the stupid ass shit they did in their time here, and some of the faculty finds out some AMAZINGLY great stuff....it's scary how much they know sometimes. so yes. I really hope they don't give it to Jim....I don't think they will....but still....I am very embarassed.

but I do hope to obtain my own copy of this footage because really, it's damn funny.


Friday, January 06, 2006

A fish bowl.

I kinda made a promise to myself to try not to post much about drinking excursions, but this one is short and, I think, amusing.

so last night I was all excited because we got out of rehearsal and hour early, I suddenly had time to go over to the apartments and see all of the wonderful people I hadn't seen yet AND work on the beer wall AND cut my hair AND get to bed a decent hour!! all right! great! I was pumped! and then...Ben walked out of the kitchen carrying a medium sized fish bowl, complete with rocks and plants, FILLED with wine.


it was fuckin awsome. it was so pretty! and colorful! (of course I didn't have my camera with me...ass....but I can't get any pictures off my camera until I get back to my own computer anyways so meh) so it's still early, I've got a nice little schedual layed out for myself that allows me good visiting/beer wall/hair cutting time before heading home around 12:15, so I'm thinkin, hey! how often is it that you get to drink WINE out of a FISHBOWL? the answer is not very. all right, I had to get up for rehearsal at 7:45am so I was like, ok, I'll drink just enough to get a little buzz. I know my body, I can totally handle a little buzz for the evening without it bothering me in the morning. so I picked my pretty blue straw and went at it. well....I'll spare anymore stupidness by simply saying that I learned a very good lesson. drinking very cheep wine through a straw from a fishbowl makes it damn near impossible to gauge how much one is actually consuming.

bad, bad idea.

but I got my ass up and toughed out actor aerobics and rehearsal because it was all my own fault. fuckin fishbowl.

ok, maybe that wasn't very short, but I was just so surprised by that awsome fishbowl.

until later, peace.


so random thought that I feel like stickin in here (so much for changing how I do shit...meh....I like it this way...) ok, so, someday when I have time again, I really want to research the histroy of Czechloslovakia (I know it's mis spelled) and France. I kinda want to check out my heritage. I was just kind of musing about how just how much does where you came from actually matters if you've never actually known these places. I mean, working off stereotypes and generalizations alone I feel like I really do related to those two contries in particular out of my own ancestory. I was chucking to myself about how I'm glad that I got over that "needs stuffed animal to sleep" phase pre college (it wasn't an emotional thing, just a habit thing. like, if Rambo feel off my bed in the middle of the night, I would actually wake up and have to find him or I just couldn't get comfortable) because it would not be very conducive at all to my nomadic lifestyle. Vlad had made a similar comment ealier in the year when I was talking about how I sleep in someone else's room/house/apartment as often as I sleep in my own bed. He said I really was a gypsy now. So is it simply coincedence that I am so in love with this busy, roaming lifestyle? or is it some kind of deep connection I have with my "roots"? hm. there are more little things like that that I notice too...

just a thought. hopefully I will acutally get to check out the worlds from which I came. we'll see.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Smile like you mean it.

the rosebowl party has moved past where my legs can't carry me and it's too late to be worth conning someone in to taking me out.....so I'll update!

It feels like I have been here a LONG time. it's funny because I've really only been here like, 4 and half days. but already I have formed such a groove, as have my other squatter buddies living in Arcadia, that it's like home. Oh so fun. got a group together last night to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind after rehearsal...probably not the wisest choice because that meant I was up until 2:30 watching it when I had to get up at 7:20 am buuuuuut....it was worth it. For one, it is one of my new absolute favorite movies, and two, the company was wonderful.

While incredibly busy, my days are very fun. again, I am just chuckling at how old hat everything suddenly seemed today. and I mean, it's so stupid because yesterday everything was still all awkward and new. whatever. I am just sounding stupid now.

ah, on the vein of sounding stupid, I now realize what alison meant by her blog being self conscious. I've felt that way about this blog since it's conception. I think it's partially because it's so new, and I don't really feel comfortable with the layout and every thing so it really doesn't feel like me the way my Xanga did, and also partially because this actual "blog" is a kind of upgrade from my little Xanga so therefore I feel more responcibility to be a "real" blogger and ya know, not suck. so now....I don't know what to do. I haven't had the time to really play around with my style or whatever since going home equaled crap computer and a desire to sit and be with my family instead. and really...I don't think I'll wind up changing too much of what I do...I mean, I really don't think I'll be able to change much of my style, because really, I am just not that commited. this whole thing started for me mostly as a way to kind of journal, a personal time for me to reflect on things and relate stuff to people.

so yeah.

the kind of changes I am more looking to make are to just, well, not suck so much. to try and weed out the balan crap (like much of the begining of this post....I am so good at this....) and just try and find a better balance between being a pseudo theraputic device for me, and being interesting to my readers.

we'll see what happens.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

all right! maybe my brain won't atrophy...

so I have moved in to the theatre house named Arcadia. It's this big old house that could potentially be really beautiful except for the fact that it has been a college theatre kid house for who knows how long, so instead of appreciating the gorgious moulding along the ceiling, we pile alcohol bottles onto shelves to block them instead. ah well, such is college!

so yes! it is quite a fun time thus far...a whole kitchen (yeah, sure, I had one at home where I could have cooked all I wanted...my when my mom is there with her amazing cooking....who wants to inturrupt that?) I find it wonderfully amusing though, there can only be three people on the lease (because of some crazy Peoria thing with one kitchen = three nonrelated people) but how many live there normally? 5. how many for the next two weeks? 10. it makes me happy.

New Years was fun. Party here, lotsa drinking, lotsa laughing...but nothing too special. It just kinda felt like another party this year...not really like new years. meh. I didn't ever get the christmas feel this year either, so it's all fine.

Ok, so I am basically back on my high school business schedual...it's funny. I'm up at 7:15, at the theatre around 8, Actor-arobics 9-10, rehearsal till 12, production meeting 12-1, quick lunch, shop work till 5, dinner, rehearsal 6:30-10:30, cleanup, help close down the theatre, then leave around 11:30. this will be my schedual for the next two weeks with very little variation. I will only have ONE dark day (a day with no rehearsals of any kind) and two days shortened days for the next two weeks.

I love theatre.

So again, I will be slow with the posts, I am sorry, I have to beg/borrow/steal to get computer access (I don't have one of my own here...) but I will do the best I can, and I will try to make them more amusing too....